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A Message from our Director – October 2015

One of the privileges of this job is getting to interview many of our applicants about why they want to do a program with us.  When we come to the part of the discussion regarding travel experience, I often ask “What have you learned about yourself through traveling?”

The questions friends and family usually ask me when I return home from a journey are about my favorite part of the trip…what I learned about the destination, what I did during my time away.  These are important components of my experience.  But how about what I discovered about myself and who I am?

Often, applicants tell me they developed a valuable sense of independence, and realized they are capable of far more than they originally imagined.  They have discovered greater patience, understanding, and flexibility within themselves.

Traveling abroad is not only about expanding your worldview by immersing yourself in new environments and learning from cross-cultural collaboration.  It is also a journey of self-discovery.  In my experience, personal revelations about self and identity have come to me more during traveling overseas than at any other point in my life.

So get out there!  Surprise yourself and discover what you are capable of.

As always, I welcome you to e-mail me directly at  with any questions regarding our programs and how to get involved.  For a full list of locations where we offer programs, please see below.

Program Locations:

Costa Rica
Galapagos Islands
South Africa

Reynolds Whalen
Director of Performing Arts Abroad

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